Music, Audio, Video, Humor and Commentary

June & July 2016

Musical Explorations: Musician Mark Wieder Picks A Dozen Covers Better Than The Originals

..."The point of covering someone else's tune is to do something different with it. I mean, if you're gonna cover it like the original then why bother, right? You're either gonna end up with "it's not as good as the original" or "why bother, let's just go with the original version"...This subjective list, for the most part, stays within the singer-songwriter realm, and is focused on complete rethinking of a song's style and impact. "
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The Pundit: The Realities of Freedom and Human Rights Part 1: The Origin of Human Rights

"...Joining, creating or remaining within a society requires that the participating individuals agree to give up a portion of their freedom for the benefit of the society and/or its rulers. Members of societies agree to adjust and moderate their personal behavior so that it is acceptable to the other members in exchange for moderate behavior from the other members, companionship, culture and mating opportunities..." continue story

Oranj Productions Releases Rare Videos from the multi-media group Process (1987-1999)
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The Pundit Recommends: "Life Isn’t Fair. So why do people behave as though it is?"

"...Faith in fairness does have a dark side. One study found that women who believe strongly that the world is fair are more likely than other women to blame the victim of a hypothetical stranger rape...Researchers found that when people felt powerless, they were more likely to say that race, class, and gender disparities were justified...." continue story

More Content Magazine Current Edition and Index
Who is 064? The Music and Performance Bio

A Guide to the World of the Baritone Guitar


Music by 064 (solo recordings)

The Seething Brunswicks (music)

(the real) Process

Improvised Music

The Problem with Music Critics

A Rational Alternative to the Current Drug Laws

Who are the Gnuths and what do they believe?

Are patriotism and faith the problem or the solution?

A Manifesto for the Consenting Adults Movement

Bassist Bruce Fraser, R.I.P. 1954-2006

Sam Freeman, R.I.P. 1925-2006

Artist and Writer Susan Kuchinskas

Oranj Productions, Creators of More Content Magazine

Contact Info

All content Copyright 1993-2016 Oranj Productions
All Rights Reserved Who is 064? The Music and Performance Bio

A Guide to the World of the Baritone Guitar


Music by 064 (solo recordings)

The Seething Brunswicks (music)

(the real) Process

Improvised Music

The Problem with Music Critics

A Rational Alternative to the Current Drug Laws

Who are the Gnuths and what do they believe?

Are patriotism and faith the problem or the solution?

A Manifesto for the Consenting Adults Movement

Bassist Bruce Fraser, R.I.P. 1954-2006

Sam Freeman, R.I.P. 1925-2006

Artist and Writer Susan Kuchinskas

Oranj Productions, Creators of More Content Magazine

Contact Info

The Photo "Listening to radio broadcast...Phelan Hall...USF 1969" by Jerry Telfer
All content Copyright 1993-2016 Oranj Productions
All Rights Reserved